Saturday, August 21, 2004

Wanna install Windows XP SP2? Read this.

The "highly critical" vulnerability affects Internet Explorer 5.01, 5.5, and 6 on fully patched PCs running either Windows XP SP1 or the newer SP2! Another flaw in Internet Explorer has been uncovered by Danish security firm Secunia, which said that the gaffe left all PC users open to attack, even those who had updated Windows XP with the massive Service Pack 2 upgrade. Microsoft has already issued a fix for SP2 that addresses problems some VPN users have encountered.

As long as we carry on regular Windows Update, and have a firewall installed, and our machines have a good virus protection enabled, then there is no rush to get SP2 installed. Issues with SP2 are being reported daily and the problems are being addressed quickly. We should wait a couple of months before installing SP2 as Microsoft is also working on various issues reported by the users.

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