Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Beginners Guide to Digital Photography

Digital cameras have become a hot product nowadays due to their falling prices and everyone with some cash to spare is buying one now. But more often than not people don't really know much about digital photography (or photography in general) and how to work with the options that cameras offer. Most of them just point and shoot.

Although it may work fine in some cases, for others you would have to do some fiddling with the settings to get a decent picture. But if you're serious about getting a good shot you need to understand a bit of the basics. For instance, do you really know what white balance is? Or what the ISO setting does? Or the difference between digital and optical zooms? Well, if the answer to all those questions is a solid "No", then fear not, for today we will be discussing some basics of shooting with a digital camera.

Do note that these are only the basics and meant for absolute beginners. So if you are a professional photographer, you may feel like you have revisited kindergarten. Also, no amount of fiddling with the settings will help if you lack the basic knowledge of what looks good or bad, or if you lack the photographer's eye. With that little disclaimer out of the way, let's get on with this guide.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Nexus in India

Google's Nexus One, referred as 'super phone', might be launched in India too in the near future. But a "scaled down" or rather "Emerging Countries" version of Nexus One being considered for India & Russia. That said, you could always import one should you prefer the "original" Nexus One. Coming back to the scaled down Nexus One, it will be slimmer than the current Nexus One (which is already quite thin!) and will pack in lesser features when compared with its better endowed variant. This Nexus One is likely to be priced very less as compared to the original.
What we are not sure as of now is whether this Nexus One would be a completely new phone or just a stripped down version of the original with a few features missing. We believe even the cheaper Nexus One will boast of the main features of the phone namely, the 3.7-inch screen and the uber fast Snapdragon processor. The things that might see a compromise would be the camera and other features like internal memory.